Thursday, July 28, 2011


I hope people read this and respond. I wonder what is the best time of day or night for you creatively, and why.
I need to block out time in my week to make my arts and crafts. I'm trying to build a website and sell my wares, but life keeps getting in my way. I figure if I block out certain times to be "at work" I'll actually get things done. What do y'all think?
I actually am so backed up in that area, I'm totes stressed, non productive, non creative, and unable to sleep well.
Any suggestions?


Maggi said...

Hmmmm, it depends for me but most of the time, it's at night after the girls are in bed. Not sure if late night would work for your schedule but I find it's the best for me! :D

Bubble My Licorice said...

Mine is usually is afternoon when I'm not tired. And then I would work until late at night! Love your blog!

Tanya said...

Thanks for your reply. I just now, after all this time looked at my blog...*sheepish* You know, late night tends to be a very creative time for me. Until about 4am. Doesn't exactly help me live a 9 to 5 day, but what's stoping me? Kids are grown, and I'm not working ( on purpose). I'm my husbands full-time caregiver after his stroke.
Thanks again for your input!

Tanya said...

Thanks for your input! I usually take an afternoon nap...but late night just might work for me!! Thanks xoxo